Major Internal Policies 修正日 規則名 関連ファイル 2024-06-13 Articles of Incorporation 2024-06-13 Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings 2024-03-08 Rules and Procedures of Board of Directors Meetings 2024-03-08 Audit Committee Charter 2022-06-14 Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets 2022-06-14 Rules for Election of Directors 2022-03-25 Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles 2020-08-12 Compensation Committee Charter 2020-08-12 Rules Governing the Scope of Powers of Independent Directors 2020-08-12 Codes of Ethical Behavior 2020-03-23 Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct 2020-03-23 Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles 2020-03-23 Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles 2019-11-08 Procedures For Accept Stakeholders Suggestion And Appeal 2019-08-08 Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles 2019-06-13 Procedures for Lending Funds to Other Parties 2019-06-13 Procedures for Endorsment & Guarantee 2019-01-25 Regulations Governing the Board and Functional Committees Performance Evaluation 2017-08-11 Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information 2017-08-11 Directions for the Implementation of Continuing Education for Directors 2017-08-11 Procedures for Preventing Insider Trading 2016-11-11 Board Diversity Policy 2015-01-30 Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Affiliated Enterprise