Internal Auditing Organization & Operation
Internal Audit Organization
Internal Auditing Organization :
The auditing office of our corporate is an independent unit, which is under the jurisdiction of Board of Directors. The auditing office includes audit supervisor and two full-time auditors, they are responsible for making report monthly or occasionally to the Independent director and Chairman of the Board except for the routine report on Audit Committee and Board of Directors on a quarterly basis.
Internal Audit Operation
1. We set "Internal Control System", "Internal Audit Implementation Rules" and "Internal Control System and Self-assessment Program" according to "Regulations Governing Establishment of Internal Control Systems by Public Companies".
2. Audit work is mainly focus on the implementation of the annual audit plan approved by the Board, and carry out the audit project depend on the necessity. After the completion of the internal audit work, they will make audit report to the Chairman of the Board.
3. If found any possible internal deficiency or abnormal matters, the auditors would coordinate each departments for improvement and check the improvement schedule on a regular basis.
4. The auditing report and improvement are not only reviewed by the Chairman of the Board and Independent Directors, but also reported on the Board of Directors.
5. The auditing office urges every unit and subsidiaries of the company to perform an internal control self-assessment and review inspection reports on their own, in order to establish the company self-assessment mechanism.
6. The auditing office will provide the Board of Director the result of internal self-inspection and improvement of internal deficiency or abnormal matters from every unit, to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control system and as an background to issue the statement.